Russian police raid NGINX Moscow office


Russian police raid NGINX Moscow office

NGINX Inc a subsidiary of F5 Networks and the company behind the internet's most popular web server technology. Russian police have raided in their Moscow offices of NGINX- the company behind the world's second most popular web server software-over a copyright infringement complaint filed by Rambler, a Russian Internet portal and email service provider.


Russian search engine claims full ownership of NGINX code, the Rambler Group filed a copyright violation against NGNX, claiming full ownership of the NGINX web server code. The Rambler Group is the parent company of, one of Russia's biggest search engines and internet portals.


Over 30% of the websites on the Internet today, including many of the world's most popular sites like Netflix and Twitch, run on the Nginx server. In 2009, he founded NGINX, Inc., a US company, to provide adjacent tools and support services for NGINX deployments. The company is based in San Francisco, but has offices all over the world, including Moscow. The NGINX server's source code is still free and managed through an open-source model, although a large chunk of the project's primary contributors are NGINX, Inc. employees, who have a firm grip on the project's stewardship.


Sysoev never denied creating NGINX while working at Rambler. In a 2012 interview, Sysoev claimed he developed NGINX in his free time and that Rambler wasn't even aware of it for years. He said the server was first deployed on the and websites and Rambler started using it only after a colleague inquired about it. In February 2019, NGINX finally dethroned Apache HTTPD and became the most widely deployed server on the internet.


Igor Sysoev created the Nginx web server in the early 2000s and open-sourced it in 2004, after which he founded the company Nginx in 2015 that has now been acquired by F5 Networks for $ 670 million.


News of the raid went viral today when an NGINX employee posted a screenshot of the search warrant on Twitter. He later deleted the tweet at the request of Russian police. The raid was confirmed by other employees.


The same employee said that two NGINX employees have been detained during the raid, including the NGINX creator, NGINX Inc. co-fonder and current CTO Igor Sysoev, as well as fellow co-founder Maxim Konovalov.


An F5 Networks spokesperson confirmed the raid but told ZDNet they are still gathering the facts and have no further comment at this time.

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