Delhi government comes up with COVID-19 related info site


Delhi government comes up with COVID-19 related info site

To provide the citizens of Delhi accurate information on COVID-19 related initiatives and updates in a seamless manner, the Delhi government launched a dedicated website.


The website, has five broad sections which include containment zones, testing facilities, key locations, e-pass, press release and FAQs.


It has the locations of all the COVID-19 hotspots in Delhi. The locations are updated from time-to-time as decided by the government, a statement said.


The website also lists all COVID-19 Testing Centers (CTCs) set up by the Delhi government, private centres, as well as information on how to avail COVID-19 testing.


A list and location of all ration shops in Delhi, temporary relief centres and hunger relief centres is also a part of the website.


This website has an "e-pass section", where any person can apply for travel e-pass or e-coupon for ration through this website.


It also carries updates of important data related to COVID-19 in Delhi, including the total number of cases, number of new cases reported on a day, number of recovered patients and the number of deaths reported on a day.


Another section contains testing statistics, including the number of tests done in Delhi to detect COVID-19 on a particular day, total number of negative cases, number of tests where results are pending and tests per million.


Meanwhile, the Delhi government has collaborated with CallDoc app through which patients can now connect remotely with doctors for all non-emergency medical needs.


Dialogue and Development Commission, advisory body of the Delhi government, Vice-Chairman Jasmine Shah said that at this difficult time, non-COVID patients need timely care too.


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