Fujitsu directing its focus on delivering focused solutions to Indian customers


Fujitsu directing its focus on delivering focused solutions to Indian customers

Brand Positioning vs. Marketing Tactics 

Fujitsu’s brand strategy is in line with the company’s vision of a “Human Centric Intelligent society”. Our brand supports this vision and is encapsulated by our unique promise of “shaping tomorrow with you”; we help businesses and society to build better futures and we do this by combining the expertise of our customers & partners with our own to deliver the best possible outcomes.  Our positioning is also completely different from other brands.  We are the Japanese global ICT company, with a strong commitment to local service; we have the ability to commit to customers in a way that’s responsive. Our customer relationship is owned locally, respectful of the local culture. The essence of our brand is integrated into everything we do as an organization - from our marketing communications, our products and services and the customer experience. 
Marketing is no longer just another aspect of business but an integral part of it. The success of the organization is dependent on marketing to a great extent. Marketing helps the organization understand what the consumer needs, and create solutions accordingly. While an organization can’t create the need for a particular item, via marketing, but it can definitely create awareness and desirability towards owing the product.

Good data for a Good Brand Strategy 
Fujitsu recently commissioned an annual brand awareness study to research the extent to which customers are able to recognize our brand. Results are analysed and ensuing actions are integrated into our Brand and Marketing strategy. 

As a technology partner to thousands of organizations around the world, we are working with new digital technologies to open up new possibilities. We understand the power of using the right data to better inform our decisions, influence future activities and deliver success. It is part of our DNA that is reflected in our own activities.   

Impact of Digitization on businesses 
We believe that human centric innovation will be a major trend. The customers as well as the market is changing in terms of adoption of technology. There is indeed a real drive in terms of digitization. The industrial era was all about specialization of skills and individuals to a very narrow sphere. However, we are no longer in the industrial year but we are in a year of hyper connectivity. Co-creation will be at the centre of this new wave – working with partners and customers to design solutions that truly innovate and change people’s lives and businesses.
Furthermore, the key to ensuring achievement of a real business value is to make the transition to cloud. The cloud is evolving rapidly and organizations need a partner who can help them take advantage of those advances. There will be a steep rise in adoption of both public and private clouds with large enterprises throwing greater focus on public cloud, and they are looking more and more at multi-cloud strategy. The spending on enterprise cloud will also increase exponentially, and the central IT team’s role will shift to governance and brokering of cloud.
R&D driving Growth
Fujitsu is fully committed to research and development. Whether it’s a small targeted initiative or a wholesale re-imagining of an operation, Fujitsu ensures that our solutions are geared towards helping enterprises achieve their specific goals. We have been investing around $2.2bn a year in R&D to make sure we can deliver the tools required.


Andy Stevenson
Head of India,
Turkey and Middle East - Fujitsu

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