Digital transformation helps to Capture newer opportunities


Digital transformation helps to Capture newer opportunities

A recent McKinsey report stated that while 8 out of 10 survey respondents say that, their organisations have undertaken Digital Transformationprojects in the last 5 years, less than 30% have been entirely successful*. So the challenge for businesses like yours is clear; Digital Transformation is inevitable, and presents a great opportunity, but a lot of cultural and business change is needed to make it work.


As digital technologies dramatically reshape industry after industry, many companies are pursuing large-scale change efforts to capture the benefits of these trends or simply to keep up with competitors. Digital Transformation (DX) is a radical change of strategy which, for most organisations, is fundamental to both staying relevant to your customers and also opening up new revenue streams. Driven by changing customer expectations and a raft of new technologies organisations are embarking on a journey of essential change to every aspect of their business.


DX and you

The question is, what does Digital Transformation mean to YOU? Firstly, let’s define what DX isn’t. It is not updating your website. It is not having a chat bot. It is not even just building an app. You won’t “complete” digital transformation either it is an ongoing process which will continually develop and evolve what we can say though is that longer you take to jump on the train the harder it will be keep up.


DX requires your entire organisation to work together to re-imagine how you interact with your customers, how they find, choose and buy your products. How your organisation communicates internally and with its suppliers. How you collect, store and analyse data, how this feeds in to pricing, product development and your marketing. DX effects every department and requires support and alignment from the very top of your organisation down to the most junior team members.




So your role working in the IT department, the cyber security team or as a technical line of business leader is absolutely fundamental in the ongoing digital transformation of your organisation.


Whether you are trying to understand the latest technology capabilities, trying to deploy successful DX project or keep your network and data secure digital transformation is incredibly complicated - we want to simplify it for you.


The report further says, change takes place at all levels during a digital transformation, especially when it comes to talent and capabilities. Nearly 70 percent of all respondents say their organizations’ top teams changed during the transformation—most commonly when new leaders familiar with digital technologies joined the management team.


Another important aspect is how to differentiate from Industry 4.0 to 5.0. The latest Industrial revolution, where it brings together internet-connected devices and invisible networks of data racing through the air to produce intelligent, automated systems where robots take over—and more efficiently execute—the routine, mundane duties of the factory.


Industry 5.0 will bring the human touch back to manufacturing. Whereas 4.0 puts advanced technologies at the center stage of production, Industry 5.0 will optimally marry the high speed and accuracy of industrial automation with the cognitive, critical thinking skills of human staff. So rather than displacing people, technology will actually enhance their roles in manufacturing.

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